Life and Me
I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Okay my one week holiday is officially started. And i think i have some kind of plan for this one whole week ( i think). Besides that its only holiday on the surface but actually i'm stuck with lots of school work. I have to prepare 3 different exam papers and i hate preparing exam papers as i hate exam to the max. I always create some simple but general question for my students but even that they can't answer properly which makes me even more lazier. Hope this time it will be a bit better.

I'm still stuck with one book at the moment and hoping that i will finish it as soon as possible (little giant of aberdeen county) since i have borrowed another book from my school library and its been in my handbag nearly for 2 weeks (guilty mode). Love the book at the moment as it tells out simple stuff that fat or in this case (my case) giant people worried about like sitting in a bus where you are worried that you are squishing the person that is sitting next to you or the hard stare people give you whenever you sit on a small chair in a restaurant and the best part when the chair favors them but giving out the cracked sound. I can totally relate with all of this stuff. Hmmmm

I'm in a serious desperate need of a book shopping as i'm extremely embarrassed with my tiny book shelf which is not even half full. But i don't know why my mom is against me buying books. She said i have read enough which i was like WHAT THE HELL! And i said to her "Mom, book is my life, till i'm alive i need to read as much as possible" and her reply was like "book don't teach you how to cook, clean house and how to keep house clean, i'm the guru..i don't want to get blame from your mother in law if you don't do well later after marriage" ...i was like RIGHT OF COURSE, ME MARRIED? Nice one mom.
Talking about this i remember and incident that happen early in the morning while i was rushing to work. A simple conversation between my mom and me which goes something like this:

Mom: Shamini ma, can't you find a boy on the internet, since you're on net almost everyday?
Me: (Choked with my milo) WAT?!
Mom: Yeah find one on the internet lah, i'm tired looking for one you know..
Me: Well don't blame me, remember what you told me:
schooling: straight go school, straight come back home ok?
university: straight go class, straight come back to hostel ok?
Mom: yeah
ME: Ok fine , i will Google for one k

Well that what happening between me and my mom. Everytime i'm on the net she will be like what you doing? Got any malayali guys ah? Hmmmmmm mom you got to chill...Love her and her nonsense =) ...

Okay different stuff now. Lately i am so damn confuse about my future. Thanks to my family and friend. They have been asking questions like what are going to do next? and i go like oh i'm going to bed i guess... and they go like no i meant about your future..and i gave them the most stupidest look ever and then they go like never mind forget i ever asked you that. I mean i don't blame them. I just don't know what to do next. I mean i will continue work and if i'm bored then find different job but seriously whats next? I have no idea. Maybe i will do what Julia Roberts did in Eat, Pray, Love...Go around the world and find me . Hmmmm maybe i will do that.

Talking about the movie its my Favorite movie at the moment. As if i can relate my life and the main character. Even though i have nothing in common with the movie at all. Just felt this weird connection and i kinda like it.

Okay that about it. All completely random stuff in my head at the moment and i almost forget song in my head at the moment is from the movie Kanchan "Karupu Pere Alaga" kinda cute song.

P/S: Finally one last thing:
Well still trying hehe...Adios